Painting based on photo by: Stephane Mignon
The photo this painting is based on had cows with very unusual markings, at least to me. I have seen this colour combination on dogs, I believe they call it brindle but never on cows. It reminds me of tiger tale ice cream....YUCK. I`m not a fan of licorice. But as a fur combination...BEAUTIFUL.
Painting based on photo by: Stephane Mignon
I painted this one on plywood to give it the added flexibility to be hung outdoors. Its a medium size painting but being that the subject is a small flower it seems huge. I found this one difficult to photograph, the low light of winter is working aganist me and added lighting just makes a glare. So this one is the best I could do.
When I saw the photo this painting was based on it really reminded me of when we had dairy cows. At the time being a kid I could not appreciate the amount of work that went into having dairy cows but now I miss the routine. We had a small operation in todays standards but it suited our small family. Growing up there were multible dairy farms within a couple of miles. They are all gone now. The milk truck would come to pick up the milk a couple times a week. The milk was kept in a large stainless steel tank in what we called our milk house, the mainly concrete room kept the milk quite cool in the tank. We used to drink milk by the gallons, just dip our jug in and fill it up. How I wish we had digital cameras then, so many memories could have been captured. But being a kid I might not have realized how precious a visible record would have been. So instead I rely on beautiful photos taken by other people that capture a kin to my memories.
This photo this is based on was taken by Thomas Rousing https:/ The photo this painting is based on was taken by a friend of mine while walking where she lives in Toronto. Although a bit blurry, it was a great capture so I got her permission to give it a go. Its a simplistic, impressionist style that is a bit more about the colours used than the details.
This painting is a result of finding a photo that inspires me to spend the many hours needed to create a likeness. It is like finding buried treasure for me.
I painted this one for a friend who after many years of companionship had to say good bye to her kitty. I usually prefer a painting to look at over a photo to remember a dearly departed pet. There is someyhing a little softer, even dream like about a painting that for me at least eases you into the memories and away from the feeling of loss.
As soon as I seen this photo I knew I had to try and paint it. The serious and grumpy expression on the bunnies faces makes me laugh. Feel good art always leaves you happier. There are endless other things in this slightly crazy world that leave you wounded and sad... I prefer to paint more amusing subjects. It has been a while since I showed the progression of a painting, so for this one I remembered to snap off a few pictures when I stopped for breaks.
The photo was taken by: Ketzirah Lesser & Art Drauglis Its a recurring theme with me that I'm saying I need to paint more of something....but...I need to paint more bunnies. I figure at least there is a long list of subjects that I can visit again and enjoy the process of painting yet again.
I painted this pair a while ago and I think I will be painting more sheep. There is something so beautiful and sweet about their faces. I believe this opinion was imprinted on me fairly early in life by a picture of my dad when he was about 5 years old, he looked as innocent as his little lamb.
Acrylic 8x10 canvas My dad 1937. I started this painting a while ago and put it away. Today I thought I would dust it off and finish it. Painting for me is an emotional exercise and sometimes your just not up for a big workout. But it did feel good to complete this one, at last.