With this being such a large painting I had to stand pretty far back to take the photo so a lot of detail is missing in the photo.
It's been a long time since I have painted cows. They are one of my favourite subjects to paint. When we had the dairy farm as a kid, I use to walk up to the girls who would be grazing and resting in the field and sit on them to have a visit. Most of the girls didnt skip a beat, just kept on chewing their cud and half snoozing. Im sure I am a bit predjudice, but I like to think we had the most sweet and beautiful girls in the world....they were to me.
With this being such a large painting I had to stand pretty far back to take the photo so a lot of detail is missing in the photo.
This is the first time I have painted goats, right now it seems baby goats, lambs, calves are everywhere. Babies of all sorts are absolutely irresistible. We had a few goats when I was about 10 years old. Pushy and sassy creatures. We started with a mating pair, the girl we called Annie and the boy Billy (not very original I know). Billy was madly in lone with my sisters horse and the cows, he would jump on top of them as if they were a mountain. I suppose it made him feel like he was a big man. Annie was a fairly passive girl who we would get milk from for my brother who was lactose intollerent......which was funny because at the time we had a dairy farm. One of the memories I have of her was of her tring to eat my strawberry bathing suit I would wear. I was plump like a strawberry as well so that didnt help matters......strange what memories stay and the ones that escapes you.
I know, another cow painting....I do seem to paint a series of what ever subject I'm in the mood to paint. I'm a bit behind in my Blog updates. We moved the computer that I use to update this site and now its not so easy to use, as well as being stupid busy and the most heart breaking excuse is our very beloved dog Teddy was hit by a car and passed away two weeks ago. We are absolutely heart broken, I still expect him to be at my side as I walk around the house and yard. Life without him is easier in some ways, we don't have to worry that he has not had enough play or walks or fun.....but his loss is greater than any freedom. Its a hollow feeling, so we called the breeder where we got Teddy from and might be able to get a puppy very soon. So bring on the bitten toes, shredded paper and pee stains here comes another baby to love.
I have been very busy for the last couple weeks but I still managed to fit in some paint time. What to paint....well a cow, no big surprise. When I seen the photo this painting was based on I had to laugh. It is so typical of a cow to be nosy, they usually have a sniff then back away leaving you to wonder what is their favorite purfume. Something that smells like molasses would be my best guess. We used to have a barrel of molasses to mix with their food as a tasty treat once in a while and they would go absolutely bananas for it. Like cats and catnip thats what how it is for cows and molasses.
I have been wanting to paint a cow again so I made it happen. This one reminds me of the dairy cows we had when I was a kid. We had a very nice herd of cows not huge maybe25-30 milkers, our girls were use to being touched so they did not pull away from you when you reached out to them. Its been 40 years since we let the dairy business go but I still remember a few of the girls that had very unique personalities. Such beautiful creatures.
This is the first horse painting I have done. I found the photo this painting is based on a few years ago and have been saving it until I had the nerve to give it a go. I must admit they were a tricky subject to paint. Musn't be a coward though...more tricky horses for me then.
My sister is the horse lover of the family, I think they are beautiful but intimidating. As a kid I was on a few horses that did not want me there and the message was received. This is my first time painting donkeys and it will not be my last. They are so cute, you can't help but fall in love with them. I have not seen many donkeys in my life but my aunt had one for a while. She used to hook him up to a tiny wagon and we would laugh when he made its trade mark call. My sister had a chubby pony when we were growing up, his name was Poncho he looked like he was part donkey....short stout and with big ears, oh and very stubborn. My sister would make me catch him if he was out in the field, since I didnt ride him he wouldn't usually run from me. He was not dumb, after a while he would'nt let me catch him either.....
This is the fourth rooster I have painted this month....seems fitting since it is the year of the Rooster. Its the ony subject I'm in the mood to paint right now. His comb lookes like a crooked crown and made him look a bit princely so thats why the fitting name. It's been ages since I have painted a cow so I will be looking for just the right photo to try and get my creative juices going..........fingers crossed.
Based on a photo by:Lightspeed https://flic.kr/p/6CqfQY I love the rather ticked off expression on this Rooster so I just had to paint him. Usually they have a fierce rather blank look but this guy let it be known that he was not in the best of moods and you best stay away......message recieved.
This is the second Rooster painting I have completed this year. The first one I can not seem to get a good photo of. So I am posting this fellow out of sequence until a better shot is possible. I painted a small 4x4in version of this one last year at this time, I always thought it would be fun to paint a much bigger one and so I did. I love the whimsical nature of the pose. When a painting makes me smile its a winner. So here is my winner, acrylic on canvas 20x20in. Based on a photo by: David de la Luz https://flic.kr/p/4q5Tmq |