With this being such a large painting I had to stand pretty far back to take the photo so a lot of detail is missing in the photo.
It's been a long time since I have painted cows. They are one of my favourite subjects to paint. When we had the dairy farm as a kid, I use to walk up to the girls who would be grazing and resting in the field and sit on them to have a visit. Most of the girls didnt skip a beat, just kept on chewing their cud and half snoozing. Im sure I am a bit predjudice, but I like to think we had the most sweet and beautiful girls in the world....they were to me.
With this being such a large painting I had to stand pretty far back to take the photo so a lot of detail is missing in the photo.
This is the first time I have painted goats, right now it seems baby goats, lambs, calves are everywhere. Babies of all sorts are absolutely irresistible. We had a few goats when I was about 10 years old. Pushy and sassy creatures. We started with a mating pair, the girl we called Annie and the boy Billy (not very original I know). Billy was madly in lone with my sisters horse and the cows, he would jump on top of them as if they were a mountain. I suppose it made him feel like he was a big man. Annie was a fairly passive girl who we would get milk from for my brother who was lactose intollerent......which was funny because at the time we had a dairy farm. One of the memories I have of her was of her tring to eat my strawberry bathing suit I would wear. I was plump like a strawberry as well so that didnt help matters......strange what memories stay and the ones that escapes you.