With this being such a large painting I had to stand pretty far back to take the photo so a lot of detail is missing in the photo.
It's been a long time since I have painted cows. They are one of my favourite subjects to paint. When we had the dairy farm as a kid, I use to walk up to the girls who would be grazing and resting in the field and sit on them to have a visit. Most of the girls didnt skip a beat, just kept on chewing their cud and half snoozing. Im sure I am a bit predjudice, but I like to think we had the most sweet and beautiful girls in the world....they were to me.
With this being such a large painting I had to stand pretty far back to take the photo so a lot of detail is missing in the photo.
I know, another cow painting....I do seem to paint a series of what ever subject I'm in the mood to paint. I'm a bit behind in my Blog updates. We moved the computer that I use to update this site and now its not so easy to use, as well as being stupid busy and the most heart breaking excuse is our very beloved dog Teddy was hit by a car and passed away two weeks ago. We are absolutely heart broken, I still expect him to be at my side as I walk around the house and yard. Life without him is easier in some ways, we don't have to worry that he has not had enough play or walks or fun.....but his loss is greater than any freedom. Its a hollow feeling, so we called the breeder where we got Teddy from and might be able to get a puppy very soon. So bring on the bitten toes, shredded paper and pee stains here comes another baby to love.
I have been very busy for the last couple weeks but I still managed to fit in some paint time. What to paint....well a cow, no big surprise. When I seen the photo this painting was based on I had to laugh. It is so typical of a cow to be nosy, they usually have a sniff then back away leaving you to wonder what is their favorite purfume. Something that smells like molasses would be my best guess. We used to have a barrel of molasses to mix with their food as a tasty treat once in a while and they would go absolutely bananas for it. Like cats and catnip thats what how it is for cows and molasses.
I have been wanting to paint a cow again so I made it happen. This one reminds me of the dairy cows we had when I was a kid. We had a very nice herd of cows not huge maybe25-30 milkers, our girls were use to being touched so they did not pull away from you when you reached out to them. Its been 40 years since we let the dairy business go but I still remember a few of the girls that had very unique personalities. Such beautiful creatures.
I have had this photo for a couple of years in my photo bank of possible painting subjects. I thought it was so sweet. Summer is a busy time so finding the time to paint is tricky. I started this one last week but the mood to complete it was not there until yesterday. I have said it before and I will say it again Cows are such sweet beautiful creatures.
Based on a photo by: Jannes Pockele https://flic.kr/p/PyS6L The photo this painting is based on had cows with very unusual markings, at least to me. I have seen this colour combination on dogs, I believe they call it brindle but never on cows. It reminds me of tiger tale ice cream....YUCK. I`m not a fan of licorice. But as a fur combination...BEAUTIFUL.
Painting based on photo by: Stephane Mignon https://flic.kr/p/obVdAF When I saw the photo this painting was based on it really reminded me of when we had dairy cows. At the time being a kid I could not appreciate the amount of work that went into having dairy cows but now I miss the routine. We had a small operation in todays standards but it suited our small family. Growing up there were multible dairy farms within a couple of miles. They are all gone now. The milk truck would come to pick up the milk a couple times a week. The milk was kept in a large stainless steel tank in what we called our milk house, the mainly concrete room kept the milk quite cool in the tank. We used to drink milk by the gallons, just dip our jug in and fill it up. How I wish we had digital cameras then, so many memories could have been captured. But being a kid I might not have realized how precious a visible record would have been. So instead I rely on beautiful photos taken by other people that capture a kin to my memories.
This photo this is based on was taken by Thomas Rousing https:/flic.kr/p/nTWan I enjoy it when a painting just seems to go in a completely different direction then what I had originally planned when I first put paint to canvas. It keeps things interesting.
The photo that this painting is based on was taken by Moyan Brenn. Jersey Cows have to be one of the most beautiful breeds of cattle. They resemble deer, can't get much sweeter than that. First time I ever seen one was at our local fall fair when I was about 6 years old. Taking pictures back then was much more of a rare event then it is now but I still have the picture my dad took of me standing with a Jersey cow, she was beautiful.
I was on a painting bender for the last two days. I was having too much fun and did not want to stop, painted until the wee hours. The looser more impressionist style is so enjoyable to do. This painting brings back a few memories of when I was a kid. In the summer we sometimes would split the herd of cattle and walk one group over to my Grandparents farm to graze for the season. It was a little bit of a stressful event, cows tend to panic easily and would not always go in the direction you intended. The other memory this painting brings to mind is of the many times the cattle would "break out". Our fences were not the best so this was not a difficult thing for them to do but it would take many hours of running through the bush and on our side roads to bring them home again. This was something we dreaded of course.
I'm amazed how after all these years I actually miss most everything about a working farm, even the long hard working summers of hands on haying that would take almost all of our summer vacation. I never thought I would miss all the hard work of haying but part of me does. ( I decided to paint over the cow in the front, seemed a little to busy.) |