I painted this one for my brother. We grew up on a farm and my favorite animal was cats, my brother really did not like cats at all. What a change it was when he met Oscar. Oscar is his girlfriends barn cat, he was a stray who showed up one night at her door while she was watching the Oscars on tv....hence his name. I think that was a stroke of genius. She took him in and had him neutered. My brother took to him right away and once in a while sends me pictures from his phone of what he says is the most beautiful cat in the world. He is a beauty.
This is a gift for my brothers girlfriend. She has this HUGE german shepard who although a couple of years old now acts very much like a playful puppy. When they bring her to our place, she and our shih tzu cross have a short lived visit. As soon as Amber brings her huge paws into play Teddy yipes and snaps at her for all he's worth. He does not appreciate her sheer power even if she thinks its all play. So Amber must stick to playing with the horse's ball that she claimed as her own and bug their cat Oscar until he gets annoyed and takes a couple swipes at her nose.
This was a commissioned piece from my cousin of her beautiful pup who she adopted as a rescue a few years ago. Its so unthinkable that anyone would hurt such a sweet shy girl but sadly that was the case. But she was one of the very lucky ones who now is a pampered pup in a very loving home.
This little painting was created for a charity sale that will take place at Martins of Muskoka on December 10th for the Childrens Foundation of Muskoka. Local artists create beautiful works of art on 6x6in canvas to be sold for only $35.00 ea. I think its a great idea to make them so affordable and in time for Christmas.
I think Buffalo are in the same group as cows. They are both sweet, big and beautiful. I do not know why I have waited so long to paint a Buffalo but Iam glad I have. I always think of the Bugs Bunny episode where a bull is breathing on Bugs tail and he turns around and slaps the bull across the face. Such huge necks...beautiful...