I was quite fortunate to have a request for three indoor/outdoor paintings and to make things even better I'm able to paint anything on the Muskoka wildlife theme. It does not get better than that....... They did start the ideas rolling by suggesting a bever, moose, coyote. So what I did end up painting was an otter a moose and a pair of wolves. Love that they let me decide it just makes it so much more enjoyable for me. The first painting completed is the otter.
I had a paint date with a friend of mine last week. In order to have a fun and productive time I needed to have a canvas ready to paint. Since I spent hours combing through photos and nothing clicked I decided to finish a canvas I began a year ago. The canvas was primed with black paint and the subject drawn out so it was a time saver. When I first started this one a year ago I failed to notice a flaw in the frame and when I did see it, I was anoyed so in the closet it went until I could get over it. Not bad it took a year.....ha..ha.
I have wanted to paint goldfish for ages but other subjects usually won the battle. Not this time so over the last couple of weeks with a few minutes here and there I managed to put them on the canvas. I tried multible backgrounds with these fishes but it just didnt feel right, a bit too busy for my liking, so simple is best.