I know, another cow painting....I do seem to paint a series of what ever subject I'm in the mood to paint. I'm a bit behind in my Blog updates. We moved the computer that I use to update this site and now its not so easy to use, as well as being stupid busy and the most heart breaking excuse is our very beloved dog Teddy was hit by a car and passed away two weeks ago. We are absolutely heart broken, I still expect him to be at my side as I walk around the house and yard. Life without him is easier in some ways, we don't have to worry that he has not had enough play or walks or fun.....but his loss is greater than any freedom. Its a hollow feeling, so we called the breeder where we got Teddy from and might be able to get a puppy very soon. So bring on the bitten toes, shredded paper and pee stains here comes another baby to love.
I have been very busy for the last couple weeks but I still managed to fit in some paint time. What to paint....well a cow, no big surprise. When I seen the photo this painting was based on I had to laugh. It is so typical of a cow to be nosy, they usually have a sniff then back away leaving you to wonder what is their favorite purfume. Something that smells like molasses would be my best guess. We used to have a barrel of molasses to mix with their food as a tasty treat once in a while and they would go absolutely bananas for it. Like cats and catnip thats what how it is for cows and molasses.