Roosters can be a tricky bunch. We have had many here on the farm most of them passive enough but occasionally you get a mean one. The most notorious rooster we had, use to attack my mother on sight. She would enter the barn and from the other end of the building he would catch sight of her and come running to fly up and try to peck and scratch her, yet he never bothered my dad. As fate would have it the rooster thought he would come at her one day while she was carring a bucket of very warm water......this confrontation ended very differently, mom unscathed, rooster soaked and humiliated. This was the last time he bothered my mom. So although chickens are not the brightest of creatures, they can learn from their experiences.
A friend has started to take up a new hobby which is wildlife photography. Lucky for me she's already terrific at it and is allowing me to paint some of them. This girl is practically a gourmet chef, is very well traveled and an amazing mother to her six children. Myself, I'm tired just thinking about all she does on a daily basis....
This is the fourth rooster I have painted this month....seems fitting since it is the year of the Rooster. Its the ony subject I'm in the mood to paint right now. His comb lookes like a crooked crown and made him look a bit princely so thats why the fitting name. It's been ages since I have painted a cow so I will be looking for just the right photo to try and get my creative juices going..........fingers crossed.
Based on a photo by:Lightspeed I must admit I do enjoy painting chickens. For that matter I enjoy watching,feeding and for the few that let me, picking them up for a cuddle. They are not so keen on being picked up but one or two of my sisters birds will let me.
This painting is based on a photo by: James Sheppard I painted this last summer for a girl I use to work with while I was at D.O.M. She is a very busy girl but is always giving her time to her family and anyone who needs her. Not to often does she make time for herself, so I wanted to make something for her. She loves hummingbirds so this was what I painted.
based on a photo by: Kevin Pichard Photography I think he took and amazing photo. This painting is based on a photo we took while on vacation in Sanibel Island Florida. Truely a great spot to spend a couple of weeks. I hope to be able go back there again some day.
This big chicken was so fun to paint. A little tricky sometimes as my studio space is quite small. I can not stand back far enough to get a feeling of how things look when they are this big. A few times I went outside and looked in through the window....sounds crazy but it actually worked. This painting is on plywood and is painted in both exterior and artist acrylics that are rated for exterior use. My intention is to have the option to hang it outside.
The photo that this painting is based on is by: Artep The photo this painting is based on was taken by a friend of mine while walking where she lives in Toronto. Although a bit blurry, it was a great capture so I got her permission to give it a go. Its a simplistic, impressionist style that is a bit more about the colours used than the details.
I enjoyed my rainy afternoon painting this pelican enjoying a meal. I only made a dent in the dozen jobs waiting for me to complete. Lets just say I'm becomimg ok with a very weedy garden and a certain amount of dust bunny monsters. The call from my paints was too strong to ignore. Work will have to wait after all.
This time of year has its own mountain of things that need to be done. The veggie garden is screaming for attention, tomatoes need to be roasted, peppers, spinich and beets are all ready to be processed. My house is over run with cob webs and dust bunny monsters.
Choosing to paint usually wins the battle of the day but today I must get to work getting some of these tasks under control. So with this in mind I will share some of my paintings from the recient past. |